Meet the Vita Nova Counselling Services Team:

Anri van den Berg
Anri van den BergSpecialist Wellness Counsellor
Anri specialises in Marriage, Relationship & Trauma Counselling. She also has a passion for working with parents in Pretoria.
Anschel Pieterson
Anschel PietersonSocial Worker in Private Practice
Anschel specialises in Play Therapy, Child Trauma Debriefing and other Children-Focused Services in Pretoria.
Peter Schultz
Peter SchultzSocial Worker in Private Practice
Peter specialises in Addictions, Couple counselling, Family support, Parental guidance and Trauma counselling in Pretoria.
Kornel Korb
Kornel KorbSpecialist Wellness Counsellor
Kornel specialises in counselling during a legal process, teenagers and young adult counselling as well as trauma counselling.
Robert Ellison
Robert EllisonSpecialist Wellness Counsellor
Robert specialises in counselling services for individual, couples, trauma, as well as teenager and young adult counselling.
Armand Prinsloo
Armand PrinslooSpecialist Wellness Counsellor
Armand specialises in relationship, individual, adolescent and sports wellness counselling in Pretoria.
Racheal Johnston
Racheal JohnstonSocial Worker
Racheal specialises in Play Therapy, Child Trauma Debriefing and Child-Focused services in Pretoria.
Linda-May Roodt
Linda-May RoodtSpecialist Wellness Counsellor
Linda-May specialises in trauma, marriage and family counselling, parenting, and eating disorders.
Mary-Loved Bulundwe
Mary-Loved BulundweSenior administrative assistant - Pretoria
Stella Scholtz
Stella ScholtzJunior administrative assistant - Pretoria